the beast in ME MANIFESTO

A Documentary Manifesto for the Animals
[34 min, 2021}

The Beast in Me Manifesto is a film manifesto that interrogates the cinematic animal from a social, cultural and historical perspective to highlight the ways animals have been represented throughout the history of documentary cinema.

The Beast in Me Manifesto features music, interviews, sound design, and archival footage to re-contextualize documentary images of animals, using home movies, new production footage and new technology for the future representations of animals.

The Beast in Me Manifesto is based on interviews from a variety of field experts in: critical animal studies, zoology, philosophy, legislative activism, and documentary filmmaking to help us understand the complexity of this (his-)story.

The Beast in Me Manifesto demands that care ethics extend beyond those struggling and vulnerable populations to include protecting animals with the hopes to create a kinder, more empathetic future.

Watch the trailer here.